Curtis 1314 PC Programming Station V3.12
Size: 15.0MB
Interface: English, German
Version Update:
V3.12 - Bug fix: Deadlock occured sometimes with USB Interface
- Bug fix: S protocol error on slow PCs
- Bug fix: Display of menu tree in some special cases
- New help file format for MC-2 devices
- Small GUI redesign
- Cloning above access level is not longer possible for S devices
- Added "No cloning allowed" support for ES devices
- Adapted Parameter Editor menu handling to PCPS standard
V3.11 - Support of new MC-2 features
- Parameter File Editor supports now MDI
- Support of CAN-USB Interface
- Some minor bug fixes
V3.10 - New setting: Database Path
- Improved MCP-Lib
- New Paramfile editor
- Support of new MC-2 devices
- New Online Updater
- Some minor bug fixes
V3.00 - New Product Name 1314 PC Programming Station
- Support of ES/S Protocol
- Redesigned GUI
V2.28 - Added "Reconfigured" parameter support
V2.27 - Added integrated MultiLanguage support
V2.26 - Added Aux channel 5 support (OB only)
- Automatic insertion of new device into ModelList table of database
- Check of ComCtl32.dll version
V2.25 - Added configuration software installation dialog
- Right click in device tree select the device and opens popup
V2.24 - Modul configuration feature added
V2.23 - Bug fix: AUX assignment if more than 1 equal device
- Speed Button to monitor pending faults
- Bug fix: corrected filter to store EEPROM dump file
- Bug fix: Mc2DocList.<lang> contained en empty line
- Bug fix: Access to help screens from wheelchair parameters form
V2.22 - Prepared to support 4 further languages (FRA, DEU, ESP, ITA)
- OEM mode automatically set if OEM Key installed (OB only)
V2.21 - New device types can be added to MC2DevDescr.<lang> files
- With UPDATE_DIR value in registry, the default diectory for
SW updates can be set
- Device error statistics for SW versions < 1.02 was not read
before. This is removed now.
- If an access level of a menu branch is above the actual level,
subordinated menu items pulled up to same access level
- Customer ID is not masked from device type. Add both Customer ID
and Device Type when setting up Mc2DeviceDesc.* files
- Support for device local texts
V2.20 - New feature: Support for device local screens (S&P calibration,
and Evaluation mode)
- Version history filename changed from history to history.txt
- Device model numbers are stored in the parameter files instead
of the device name (language independent!)
- Device model numbers are stored in the help screen files instead
of the device name (language independent!)
- Only 11 of 16 bits of the device type are relevant
- Default Manuf. Date is ***** iso **/**
V2.11 - Show monitor value help screens for devices with device number 1
(actually ECU and Seat)
- Synchronization between manual and automatic device polling
- Default model number of every device is 0000-0000
- Version history loaded from file
- Simulation mode has now preliminary LCD device
V2.10 - New feature: Wheelchair fault monitor
- Icon of Application & main form loaded dynamically
- Support for German as dialog language
- Wheelchair database: Customer list and wheelchair SN list now sorted
- Updating Loader-SW requires Factory level
- Updating device-SW: confirmations requested from the operator
- Bug fix: handling of parameter lower limits corrected
- Bug fix: parameter unit for critical parameters was not displayed
- Out of limit parameters are automatically corrected in the device
when trying to access them
- AUX channel disable: set device number to 0 (before 1)
- Support of CAG+ format files (device Software files)
- Bug fix: closing communication with open 'device SW update' form
and enabled automatic device polling caused access violation
- Customer list sorted by Name
V2.06 - Logging of single monitor values is now possible
- Redisigned MCP - library for MC-2 Functional tester overtaken
(MCP_LIB & MCP_MASTER V3.0.1). This is not mandatory; V3.0.0
still works with PC-PS V2.06
V2.05 - Automatic Device polling can be switched off (recommended for very
slow Win9x machines)
- New file MC2HelpFiles.<lang> lists file names for dealer & OEM manuals
- Modified SDO client requires data length to be supplied (MCP_LIB & MCP_MASTER V3.0.0)
- New progress bar for SW updates (MCP_LIB & MCP_MASTER V3.0.0)
- Database login dialog removed
- When in simulation mode, parameter files of size 0 are created
V2.04 - Simulation mode: all devices available, except LCD (start manager
- Device update handler: serial number is now a 8 digit string
(leading zeros)
- Monitoring: Sampling rate is user definable between 500ms and 5min
- Wheelchair Database: parameter filename is stored without path
- Major wheelchair data can be printed
- Bug fix: send default parameters checks access rights (only relevant
to user group factory)
- Dealers may also clone OEM & Factory parameters
- Bug fix: Editing Wheelchair Params followed by put to file operation
caused old values to be written to the file
- SDO protocol check index & sub index for expedited transfers
- Customer Table gets new Attribute 'State_Prov'
V2.03 - Customer data can be printed
- The file name of the user manual for dealers is the first entry
in Mc2DocList.<lang>.
- New factory key required
- Device serial number is now a 8 digit string (leading zeros)
- Parameter values are updated (read from device) before showing
them on the screen.
- After an edit operation in Matrix representation, all values in the
same column are updated (read from device).
- Bug fix: get wheelchair parameters from file: mix-up of values
among different devices occurred
V2.02 - Tree components larger (except AUX Assign)
- Automatic device polling is done in a separate thread. Thus slow
response of the program (in case of no device connected) is fixed.
- Bug fix: multiple 'get from wheelchair' in AUX assignment handler
V2.01 - Child window icons unified (all derived from parent). Form sizes
unified and made sizeable.
V2.00 - Database support for E&J
- Support for parameter upper/lower limits
- FileGetAttr call adapted to Delphi 5 spec.
- If a device has no params, no warning is shown (due to wheelchair
parameter handling)
V1.92 - Handshaking introduced to ensure system is pre-operational before
executing critical operations. Requires MCP_LIB & MCP_MASTER V2.0.0
- Bug fix: retrieving parameter and monitor value help info for devices
with device number > 0
- Simulation with additional ECU device
- Bug fix: Monitor values with simulation: UINT8 and UINT16 types
caused a closing of the monitor form
V1.91 - Device tree larger to allow longer device names
- Place holders are treated like PC-ProgStations: They are skipped
for Wheelchair based operations.
- Device Object handlers created in Wheelchair Parameters, Wheelchair
Fault History and Wheelchair Fault Occurrence are not anymore
- Bug fix: AUX assigment handling if no Controller present
V1.90 - New grouping of device context menu
- Synchronizing manual and automatic refresh of device tree
- Wheelchair & Device fault histories: Tree leaves contain fault
descriptions, detail screens contain fault group, description and
- Device function screen is read only.
- During a running device function, a multiple setting of preoperational
state is avoided.
- Exception handling of Device Function Handler modified to handle
power off of scanned device.
V1.88 - New feature: AUX assignment handler
- Device EEPROM access: before writing the memory dump to the
device, the EEPROM size can be edited
V1.87 - 'Error History' renamed to 'Fault History'
- 'Error Statistics' renamed to 'Fault Occurrences'
- Device Functions: set always preoperational mode
if a function requests this (also if already preoperational)
- PC-PS polls periodically the system for devices on the bus
this is stalled during device SW-updates
- Printing device & wheelchair params: Now sensitive to user group
- Form size 800 x 570 (spare for task bar when 800 x 600 resolution)
- Parameter files without prefix 'Param'
- MCP library without Message dialogs
- Issue correct error when Netporty not connected
- MCP library: os.cpp, open_CAN: internal sequence modified
- MCP library: NetPorty.cpp: all rx-buffers 256 bytes long
- Migration to Delphi 5
- Migration to C++Builder 4
- Refresh Device Tree with button F5
- User Manual with button F1
- Modified verification of SW-keys
V1.84 - Detail screens for parameter adjustment redesigned because of long
ENUM texts of Sip&Puff
- Exception handling of Device Monitor Handler modified to handle
power off of scanned device
- Error history: Colour of WARNING field is yellow iso. red
- Bug fix: Parameter step size is now taken into account when changing
- Tree nodes at level 0 are expanded
- MCP_LIB V1.7.6: Support for ISA PC SlimLine CAN adapter
- Wheelchair parameters: Device menu trees merged on level 0
- All trees expanded on level 0, except device function tree and¨
wheelchair safety tree which are full expanded
- 'Inhibit Device application start' can only be enabled when connected
- Bug fix: logging monitor values to file sets first the correct working dir
V1.83 - Device Menus are only fechted once during a session. The whole
device menus are stored locally in the PC-PS in order to save time
- Error Statistics: In the overview the group text is shown, not the detailled
- New: Error statistics reading/printing/exporting
- Wherever possible a progress bar indicates the progress of a running
operation. The kind of the operation is described
- Reading of Profile Data optimised for Win95
V1.82 - If a condition no > 32 is found, it is reset to 0 and thus deactivated
- Support for ISA CAN adapter (in the application part only)
- About-Bitmap is loaded at runtime from file 'about.bmp'
V1.81 - Bug fix: closing PC-PS with system menu caused Exception
- Conditions which do net yet exist, can be removed from a selected
V1.80: - Bug fix: A 'open communication' operation after a 'close communication'
works now. Before it caused E0023: Initialization of CAN interface failed
- MCP V1.7.5: Netporty.cpp/DestroyRxThread: trigger thread in a loop until
it confirms recognition of abort command.
- Support of CAN channels 0 and 1 for PCI and PCMCIA cards (requires
also MCP V1.7.5)
- Interface for displaying defineable system documents (
- Parameter values outside limits issue a warning when displaying them.
(single parameter view only)
- To OEM and above, the UserManual-PCPS_OEM is shown. Whereas to
dealers, UserManual-PCPS_DLR is shown.
V1.72: - Bug fix: Parameter Matrix view for last menu part corrected
V1.71: - Bug fix: Sub-Index for Condition number is 1 not 0.
- Edit fix point parameters: number of digits behind decimal point is
automatically adjusted. However, entering the decimal point is
V1.70 - Wheelchair Safety Settings implemented
- ENUM8 parameters can only be changed with the trackbar
- CANCEL in detailled parameter view cancelles whole screen
- MCP V1.7.2: osconf.h: buffers 300->1000. error.cpp: ERR_Failure creates
Exception iso. Messagebox os.cpp: OS_Put checks if pMsg <> NULL
queue.cpp: POOL_Get_CANBuf only initialises if p <> NULL
- Parameter cloning: OEM can update also FACTORY parameters
- New Factory Key (V1.1) required
- Attribute 'text' removed from class TParam (unused)
- Parameters NO_MIN/NO_MAX not stored anymore, because they're
currently unused
- Support of Device Number. The number is added to the Device Name
and to eventual Condition Names of these Devices.
- Max menu levels increased from 5 to 7.
- Device profile is also fetched for start managers.
V1.66 - Device function step redefinition (relative next indices)
V1.65 - Bug fix: show last monitor value/parameter/function also if at last position in menu
- Request preoperational state to modify parameters and to execute functions
that request a power cycle after the update
- Sending wheelchair parameters to wheelchair generates no more confirmation
messages for every single device. Instead one single message is issued at the end
- Monitor values (groups) can be logged to a file.
V1.64 - Bug fix: unit coding for monitor values is 5 Bit iso. 4 Bit: units km/h and mph are now displayed
- Error history contains now also error group in plain text
- Wheelchair parameters, wheelchair error history and wheelchair error statistics:
no data is fetched from PC-PS
- Context menu is nil if the device is of type PC-PS
- Error class description read from info.<locale> iso. mc2error.<locale>
- HP and PC-PS can both do SDO transfers. Requires MCP_LIB.DLL and
MCP_MASTER.DLL version 1.7.1.!
- Detailled error descriptions added in wheelchair and device error history
V1.63 - Also in slave mode, the PC-PS is visible as a device
- Since Preoperational devices remain in the NMM table even if they are disconnected,
such devices appear as 'Ghost' devices, i.e. empty entries in the device tree. No
operations are supported to Ghost devices. Requires (MCP_LIB.DLL V1.7.0.0) and
- Memo in DevUpdateHndlr is read only
V1.62 - Supports TI_ENUM8 datatype parameters
- Manufacturing Date & OEM Info is read for all device types except
PC Programmer and Start Manager
- HW version of Start Manager is read
- Menu tree is again filtered, like in Versions < 1.55 but mixed leaves in one menu
path are now handled correctly
- Step size assumed 1 if STE bit in param main not set
- Multiple Parameter write: wait 160ms between every param for 515 platforms.
V1.61 - When acting in slave mode, the NMM table is requested to determine the
available devices
- Model number and OEM info are fetched from the devices
- column 'Size' removed from all menu lists
V1.60 - SW keys required to access user levels > Dealer
- Device functions: state/command entry is now onw byte
- Bug fix: send default parameters to wheelchair sent actual values iso. defaults.
- Help screen support for wheelchair error history, wheelchair parameters,
device parameters and device monitor values (device error history in V1.54)
- Tree-Item Dealer Data removed
- MAX_DEVICES 10 (temporary)
- Master mode: PC-PS starts itself without approximating
- Error history: new error format supported
- Device profile is refreshed everytime the menu item 'Profile' is chosen.
- When acting as slave, sends 'New Programming Station' protocol instead
of 'New Node' (MCP_LIB.DLL V1.6.0.0)
- New: device EEPROM handling (currently supported by controller only)
V1.55 - Viewing parameters: sometimes the warning 'out of range' was issued incorrectly.
As well a wrong parameter value was shown. This bug is corrected
- Version History added to Help|About
- Device Function Handler: setting of current function step after STOP or ABORT corrected
- Menu trees are not filtered anymore
- Problems with trackbar component and negative values resolved
- Parameter number again put into file, as this info is required for parameter
restore from file.
V1.54 - Help screen support for device error history
- Value range of boolean data types is 0/1 if unit is not of the form 'yes/no' or 'on/off'